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Drug Preparation Trolley
Drug Preparation TrolleyDrug Preparation TrolleyDrug Preparation TrolleyDrug Preparation TrolleyDrug Preparation Trolley

Drug Preparation Trolley

MPA 7510
  • For entire sterilization required centers
  • Electrostatic painted body and wheels with 2 breaks
  • Place for serum, baticon, bottle etc.
  • With injector box and wire basket
  • With writing tray and two drawers
  • Dimensions (WxLxH): 430x700x1050 mm.

The Medication Preparation Cart is a versatile and essential tool used in healthcare settings to ensure the accurate and safe preparation of medications in correct doses. These carts are commonly used in hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and other healthcare institutions.

The cart is designed with an infusion stand and small wire baskets, providing convenient storage space for materials and accessories related to medication preparation.

Its spacious working surface offers a dedicated space for healthcare professionals to perform various tasks, such as medication preparation, tablet cutting, or measuring liquid medications. This workspace promotes efficiency and accuracy in medication preparation processes.

The Medication Preparation Cart is equipped with multiple compartments, shelves, and drawers, enabling organized storage of medications based on different categories or for different patients. This organization feature helps healthcare professionals easily access the required medications and reduce the risk of medication errors.

The mobility of the cart allows for easy transportation to different patient care areas, ensuring medications are readily available and prepared at the point of care.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the cart are crucial to ensure a sterile and hygienic environment for medication preparation, preventing contamination and maintaining patient safety.

The Medication Preparation Cart enhances workflow efficiency, reduces preparation time, and promotes patient safety by ensuring medications are accurately and properly prepared.

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